
Chrome only opens as administrator
Chrome only opens as administrator

Scenario 1: Client has given access for QA environment for my window user i.e., ‘myuser’ but can test only few scenarios.

chrome only opens as administrator

But I’m unable to use this for my scenario as its little different. Yes my window user is ‘myuser’ so if I create any profile its been under ‘myuser’ with ‘Profile N’. [: unknown error: cannot create default profile directory[0 39m WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeProfile) ĭriver.get(“ DriverFactory.changeWebDriver(driver) Here you specify the actual profile folder (Profile 2)ĬhromeProfile.addArguments(“profile-directory=Default”) String chromeProfilePath = “C:\Users\myuser\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\” -> I can only access profiles for default user ‘myuser’ folderĬhromeOptions chromeProfile = new ChromeOptions() ĬhromeProfile.addArguments("–no-sandbox") ĬhromeProfile.addArguments("–disable-extensions") ĬhromeProfile.addArguments(“start-maximized”) ĬhromeProfile.addArguments("–disable-popup-blocking") ĬhromeProfile.addArguments("–disable-dev-shm-usage")ĬtExperimentalOption(“useAutomationExtension”, false)ĬhromeProfile.addArguments(“user-data-dir=” + chromeProfilePath) String chromeProfilePath = “C:\Users\test01\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\” The below profile path is the one that got created when i did run as different user String pathToChromeDriver = “C:\Automation\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-5.9.1\configuration\resources\drivers\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe” Profile path mentioned in chrome://version: “C:\Users\test01\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default”.Below is the profile path displayed and required admin permission to access the folder ‘test01’.It opened a new instance and once i hit the testing url again it opens a alert box to enter the profile credentials so after i enter them i can access the site with that specific profile.

chrome only opens as administrator

  • I did run as different user on Chrome browser and logged in using profile with username as ‘test01’ and password as ‘xxxxx’.
  • chrome only opens as administrator

    Note: I’m working on Client machine where network access and permissions are very restricted. Please have a look at below and correct me if i’m doing anything wrong.

    chrome only opens as administrator

    Thanks for giving me reference to look at but still i’m facing some issues.

    Chrome only opens as administrator